Entry 7 #hashtag

Image result for hashtag
         Hashtag, If you're like me you look at this symbol and see "the number sign" or you may be like the newer generation who knows this symbol as a hashtag. Before Twitter or Instagram came out the word hashtag was not known to me at all, so when I first heard it I had to ask what it meant. After it was explained to me I thought it was a bit odd but i went with it. Like me I'm sure people just used that symbol for the number sign or pushed it on their phone whenever the operator asked you to push it in a call. Hashtags became widely used due to Instagram and Twitter, Hashtags are s Symbol that you put before a word so people know that you are "tagging" the picture or post to something, for example I'm going to pretend I'm uploading this picture to Instagram or twitter:

Image result for party
Happy new years everyone!!!
#newyear #party #newyearnewme

Exactly like that I personally used them when I first started to use Instagram but I saw no point in them so stopped. People today still use them on posts everyday. Like i mentioned above, as far as I know twitter and Instagram were the first major social media platforms to use hashtags and from then on other social media like Facebook, tumbler, vine, and many others adapter this hashtag system so people can represent or link their picture or post to whatever it is they are posting.
